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By Brian Fees
Southern Tier Sports Report
ITHACA — Horseheads senior Jordan Sheehan is wrapping up her senior hockey season, as a captain on the ice.

The one thing that’s different for Sheehan is what jersey she wears during hockey season. The Blue Raiders senior, whio plays lacrosse for Horseheads in the spring, plays hockey for the Ithaca Little Red.

“I ended up playing for Ithaca HIgh School because I wanted more ice time, and Horseheads doesn’t offer a hockey team,” Sheehan said.

The Horseheads senior is the only Blue Raider who plays for Ithaca, but it’s not that different for her to be among players from other schools.

“It’s not really that different for me putting on a jersey other than Horseheads, because I’ve played travel hockey my whole life,” Sheehan said. “The only time I actually wear the Horseheads jersey is during lacrosse season.”

One challenge for Sheehan is the travel it takes playing lacrosse nearly an hour drive away.

“It has been a very big committment for me to travel to Ithaca for preactice everday, and driving home later after games,” Sheehan said.

For Sheehan playing in Ithaca has meant a chance to meet a lot of new people.

“When I started playing in Ithaca I knew a couple people from previous club years, but also met a lot of new people,” Sheehan said. “This year only one person from Ithaca plays on my travel team with me in Rome, N.Y.”

It’s not just high school hockey in Ithaca for Sheehan, who also travels for her team in Rome, putting a lot of time and committment into the sport.

“I play club for a team in Rome,” she said. “I travel two and a half hours one way every Wednesday for pracice, and also games on the weekends. It’s sometimes a lot to balance with high school going on at the same time, but I love all my teammates on both teams and I’ve gotten a lot of opportunities from both teams, so I continue to do it.”

The fact that this is senior year is something that’s crazy for Sheehan to think about.

“It’s so crazy to me that it’s senior year,” she said. “I’ve bene playing hockey since I was three and time has flown by.”

Playing games so far away can make it tough for Sheehan to have her Horseheads friends get to watch her play. But, she has gotten a chance to make so many friends through hockey as well.

“It’s so much fun getting to know girls from other schools,” Sheehan said. “The hockey community is so tight-knit and I meet new people all the time. For example, on my travel team only two of the girls go to the same school, but we are all so close.

“It would be cool if my friends from school could watch me, but it’s really about that for me.”

There are plenty of people at Horseheads that know about, and support Sheehan’s hockey career.

“A lot of my classmates know I play hockey, I talk about it a lot at school, and they are all very supportive of me,” Sheehan said.

Hockey isn’t over for Sheehan after high school, as she’s already committed to play at Buffalo State next year.

“It is very special to me that I got the chance to commit to a college,” Sheehan said. “Hockey has taught me so much about friendship, leaderhsip and being a good teammate. I am excited to keep learning through this sport and for the future.”

Playing in college was always a big goal for Sheehan.

“It was a big foal for me to play college hockey, and I couldnt’ have done it just by myself,” Sheehan said. “All of my success in hockey I owe to my coaches, teammates and my parents for always pushing me to be my best and supporting me.”

While high school is starting to wind down, Sheehan is very excited for what’s next in the sport.

“I am very excited for my future in hockey,” Sheehan said. “To learn more about myself and continue to grow while playing the sport. I’m also excited because I get to continue my education and study economics while playing this sport.”


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