By Brian Fees
Southern Tier Sports Report
Elmira senior Vicky Mordvinova never imagined she’d be putting up some of the times she is as she prepares for the state championships.

Mordvinova enters the state championships seeded ninth in the 800 in 2:11.74 and 10th in the 1500 in 4:40.53.

“I’m incredibly excited, it’s not an opportunity everyone gets,” Mordvinova said of making states. “I’m excited to have made it.”

Meet after meet Mordvinova has been hitting PR’s this year, and these are all times she never thought she’d be at right now.

“It’s PR’s I never thought I’d hit,” Mordvinova said. “I said the exact same thing last year, but it’s even more impressive this year.”

As she inches closer and closer to 2:10 in the 800 the idea of getting under that is something she’s really been thinking about a lot recently.

“It’s all I can think about,” she said. “Dreaming, sleeping, it’s all I want to do right now. Honestly, as I started the 800 journey, no (set time in mind), but as it’s dropping my times now I really want to get under 2:10.”

For Mordvinova things start on Friday with the 800, and then on Saturday it’s the 1500 meters.

“You look at the times and you look at what everyone else is running and you get excited,” Mordvinova said of tomorrow’s 800. The title is a lot, but hopefully I get up there.”

Mordvinova hasn’t really looked at what normally places you high in the 800, she’s just focused on what this year’s field has run.

“I have just been focusing on this year for the times I’ve been looking and saying I’m getting pretty close,” Mordvinova said.

On Saturday the senior wants to run her best in the 1500.

“My goal, PR just get a PR and just keep up with the best and hopefully place,” Mordvinova said.

As she gets ready to run at Binghamton next year the Elmira standout feels like the 800 is looking like something she may be focusing on there.

“I really thought the 15 (1500) was the way to go, but everytime I go back to the 8 (800) I remember why I love the 8. It’s my baby,” Mordvinova said. “My coach for college is looking more for middle distance for sure, the 8 definitely.”

The Binghamton coaches get excited each time Mordvinova hits a new PR.

“I get a text as soon as I get a PR, they text me immediately,” she said.

The Elmira senior is the only Express athlete at states this year, but it’s fun getting a chance to make the trip with her coach, Amy Balash.

“It makes it more fun, especially since I have my coach for one more meet, I’m super excited,” Mordvinova said. “Me and coach have a lot of fun on road trips. This is bonding time until the very end. I know I have my whole team supporting me so knowing I have the support system behind me of course is always great.”

And this won’t be the final high school meet for the Express senior as she has already qualified for nationals.

“I qualified for New Balance,” Mordvinova said.

It’s crazy for Mordvinova to realize her time in high school is winding down.

“It’s kind of unbelievable,” Mordvinova said. “You never think it’s going to end until it starts ending, but I know I have a lot going for me later in future years, so it’s not over yet.”

Mordvinova is enjoying each day she gets to run for the Express.

“I’m proud to be an Elmira runner, I’m proud to show and represent my school,” Mordvinova said. “I’m proud to represent my coach and my entire team.”

Next year it will be on to college and as she sees her times right now Mordvinova is excited to see how low they can go at the college level.

“That’s what I’m excited for going into a higher level and competing with some of the best on a college level, and running some of the same times,” she said.